Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Delicious Stuffed Dates

 Stay with me... this is not a meal.  They are appetizers.  
You eat one, then move on to the vegetable tray!

I'm gonna make this a quicky because Christmas Eve dinner prep is at full throttle in the moment.  But I was asked to post a couple of hor d'oevresThese are so darn good you can't lose!  And pretty simple.  Evefy time I've made them, the response has been the same!  People pass by, curious, pick one up, bite into it, and first reaction is a slight wince of surprise as they don't expect this fusion of sweet, pungent, and savory.  Then the eyes close, the moan begins, the head shakes, and they won't be able to get to you fast enough to tell you how delicious they are.   You won't want to have more than enough for one or two per guest.  They are very rich, and sweet, and salty... You don't want people to overdo it and lose their appetite for dinner.  Once you've tried this my way, try it with dried prunes. 

(about 30 dates)
Make a slit in them on one side and remove the seed from each.
Mix together 4 oz of goat cheese with 4 oz of blue cheese
Then with a teaspoon stuff the cheese inside the dates.
Wrap each date in a small piece of bacon.  (i prefer to use vegetarian fed 100% natural uncured bacon...)
Pop these in the oven for about 15 minutes at 400 degrees farenheit.
(or until bacon is crisp and browned)
Serve hot!

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